Interface that serves as read-only accessor to the {@link HttpHeaders}. Also allows easy custom implementation and decouples it from HTTP.
Empty header collection is provided in the {@link NO_HEADERS}.
Methods |
get | ||||||||
get(name: string)
Defined in src/lib/src/read-only-headers.ts:16
Returns first header that matches given name.
Parameters :
Returns :
string | null
getAll | ||||||||
getAll(name: string)
Defined in src/lib/src/read-only-headers.ts:26
Returns list of header values for a given name.
Parameters :
Returns :
[] | null
has | ||||||||
has(name: string)
Defined in src/lib/src/read-only-headers.ts:11
Checks for existence of header by given name.
Parameters :
Returns :
keys |
Defined in src/lib/src/read-only-headers.ts:21
Returns the names of the headers.
Returns :
export interface ReadOnlyHeaders {
* Checks for existence of header by given name.
has(name: string): boolean;
* Returns first header that matches given name.
get(name: string): string | null;
* Returns the names of the headers.
keys(): string[];
* Returns list of header values for a given name.
getAll(name: string): string[] | null;
* Dummy implementation of {@link ReadOnlyHeaders} that never returns anything.
export const NO_HEADERS: ReadOnlyHeaders = {
has(name: string): boolean {
return false;
get(name: string): string | null {
return null;
keys(): string[] {
return [];
getAll(name: string): string[] | null {
return null;