


It maps view URLs to API and vice versa. Provides bindable url property, to be used with resource-outlet component.




constructor(apiMapper: ApiMapper, location: Location)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
apiMapper ApiMapper
location Location


Protected doNavigate
doNavigate(path: string)

Performs navigation to given view path.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
path string

View path to navigate to. Should be already mapped from API URL.

Returns : void
Protected mapLocationUrlToApi

Takes current {@link Location#path()} and maps it to API url. Might throw an {@link Error} if path() returns something unexpected, like null.

Returns : any

Mapped url. Never null.

Protected onLocationChanged

Updates currentUrl and fires next value for url observable.

Returns : void
prepareExternalUrl(url: string)

This is just wrapper around {@link Location#prepareExternalUrl()} for convenience.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
url string

URL to be normalized for the link.

Returns : string

Normalized URL.


Readonly urlChange
urlChange: Observable<string>
Type : Observable<string>



Resource URL that is being currently viewed. Note: This should not be used to determine current data URL, since this always corresponds to the primary view.

Returns : string
seturl(url: string)

Changes browser location (using configured strategy) to given resource url.

    • If the url is not in the configured API namespace, error is logged and nothing happens.
  • If the url equals to api prefix, it is performed redirect to page base href.
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
url string

API url. The navigation in browser is performed to the view URL, that is, without API prefix.

Returns : void
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Location } from '@angular/common';
import { ApiMapper } from './api-mapper';
import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { LocationReference } from './location-reference';

// TODO normalize URL, using possibly LocationStrategy (that means remove trailing slash directly in the browser if its present)

 * It maps view URLs to API and vice versa.
 * Provides bindable `url` property, to be used with `resource-outlet` component.
export class ApiLocation implements LocationReference {

  readonly urlChange: Observable<string>;
  private readonly urlChangeSubject = new Subject<string>();
  private urlValue = '';

  constructor(private readonly apiMapper: ApiMapper,
              private readonly location: Location) {
    // Initialize
    this.urlChange = this.urlChangeSubject.asObservable();
    this.urlValue = this.mapLocationUrlToApi();

    // Listen to Location changes
    this.location.subscribe(() => this.onLocationChanged());

   * Resource URL that is being currently viewed.
   * Note: This should not be used to determine current data URL, since this always corresponds to the
   * primary view.
   * @returns Resource URL that is being currently viewed.
  get url(): string {
    return this.urlValue;

   * Changes browser location (using configured strategy) to given resource url.
   * * * If the `url` is not in the configured API namespace, error is logged and nothing happens.
   * * If the `url` equals to api prefix, it is performed redirect to page base href.
   * @param url API url. The navigation in browser is performed to the `view URL`, that is, without API prefix.
  set url(url: string) {
    if (typeof url !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('url must be a string');

    // Normalize
    url = this.location.normalize(url);

    // Navigate only on change
    if (url !== this.urlValue) {
      // Map API url to View form
      const path = this.apiMapper.mapApiToView(url);
      if (!path) {
        throw new Error(`Cannot navigate to URL '${url}', it cannot be mapped to known API prefix`);

      // Navigate

   * This is just wrapper around {@link Location#prepareExternalUrl()} for convenience.
   * @param url URL to be normalized for the link.
   * @returns Normalized URL.
  prepareExternalUrl(url: string): string {
    return this.location.prepareExternalUrl(url);

   * Performs navigation to given view path.
   * @param path View path to navigate to. Should be already mapped from API URL.
  protected doNavigate(path: string) {
    // Push state if needed
    if (!this.location.isCurrentPathEqualTo(path)) {

    // Update our url

   * Takes current {@link Location#path()} and maps it to API url.
   * Might throw an {@link Error} if path() returns something unexpected, like null.
   * @returns Mapped url. Never null.
  protected mapLocationUrlToApi() {
    const path = this.location.path();
    return this.apiMapper.mapViewToApi(path);

   * Updates `currentUrl` and fires next value for `url` observable.
  protected onLocationChanged() {
    this.urlValue = this.mapLocationUrlToApi();;

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