Default value: false
Arguments : '$event.button' '$event.ctrlKey' '$event.metaKey'
click(button: number, ctrlKey: boolean, metaKey: boolean)
import { Directive, HostBinding, HostListener, Inject, Input, OnChanges, Optional } from '@angular/core';
import { TARGET_SELF, TARGET_TOP } from './resource-link';
import { ApiMapper } from '../api-mapper';
import { ResourceViewRegistry } from '../resource-view-registry';
import { isNavigable, Navigable, NavigableRef, TOP_LEVEL_NAVIGABLE } from '../navigable';
import { Location } from '@angular/common';
import { debugLog } from '../utils/debug-log';
@Directive({selector: 'a[resourceLink]'})
export class ResourceLinkWithHrefDirective implements OnChanges {
@HostBinding() href: string;
@Input() resourceLink: string;
@Input() type?: string;
@Input() target?: Navigable | string;
@Input() external = false;
private unsupported = false;
constructor(private readonly apiMapper: ApiMapper,
private readonly location: Location,
private readonly resourceViewRegistry: ResourceViewRegistry,
@Optional() private readonly currentNavigable?: NavigableRef,
@Optional() @Inject(TOP_LEVEL_NAVIGABLE) private readonly topLevelNavigable?: NavigableRef) {
ngOnChanges(): void {
let unsupported = this.external;
// Is the link supported? Note that its pointless for external links
if (this.type && !unsupported) {
// Is it known type for successful response?
// Note that this mechanism does not work for other status codes, you will have to set [external] manually
unsupported = !this.resourceViewRegistry.match(this.type, 200);
// Map to API, if it fails, mark as external
let viewUrl = this.resourceLink || '';
if (viewUrl && !unsupported) {
// Map API to View
const url = this.apiMapper.mapApiToView(viewUrl);
if (url) {
// Use mapped url, since its application link
viewUrl = url;
} else {
// Unsupported location
unsupported = true;
// Store mapped URL to href
this.unsupported = unsupported;
this.href = unsupported ? viewUrl : this.location.prepareExternalUrl(viewUrl);
@HostListener('click', ['$event.button', '$event.ctrlKey', '$event.metaKey'])
onClick(button: number, ctrlKey: boolean, metaKey: boolean): boolean {
// Let the browser do the navigation if any key was pressed or this link unsupported
if (button !== 0 || ctrlKey || metaKey || !this.resourceLink || this.unsupported) {
return true;
// Handle target
let target =;
if (typeof target === 'string') {
if (target === TARGET_SELF) {
target = this.currentNavigable && this.currentNavigable.navigable;
// Warn if undefined
if (!target) {
debugLog().warn('When resourceLink is not in a resource-view, target="_self" is not supported');
} else if (target === TARGET_TOP) {
target = undefined;
} else {
// Custom target, open new window
return true;
// Fallback to page navigation
if (!target) {
// Fallback to current when top-level is unavailable
const topLevel = this.topLevelNavigable || this.currentNavigable;
target = topLevel && topLevel.navigable;
// Warn if undefined
if (!target) {
debugLog().warn(`When resourceLink is not embedded in a <resource-view> component, ` +
`it must have target set to a Navigable instance - navigation to "${this.resourceLink}" canceled`);
if (isNavigable(target)) {
// Navigate using original non-mapped link
// Cancel click
return false;