7.0.0 (2019-02-25)

Updated to Angular 7.x. Thanks Zakir for PR.

5.0.1 (2018-02-16)

Adapted original Tour of Heroes Angular example to use this router. It is missing some features, but take a look at Live Demo.


  • Added body: Observable<T> to ActivatedView<T> class, which is same as view.data.subscribe(data => ... = data.body);
  • SingleApiMapper now supports host-relative urls (/api/foobar)
  • Example app is now adapted Tour of Heroes from Angular. Uses mock in-memory API.
  • #31 npm run buildapp now requires library to be built in dist folder, and tests whether it is AOT compilable

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed several Observable operator imports

5.0.0 (2018-02-15)

Version for Angular 5.x, otherwise almost identical with 4.1.1.


  • Improved DefaultErrorComponent, now it renders html as content instead of code
  • Docs no longer contain internal components
  • Internally improved config, tests now no longer needs library to be built

4.1.1 (2018-02-14)

Resolved Issues

  • #26 When HttpResourceClient request fails, error is swallowed
  • #28 v4.1.0 is broken in production mode

Known Problems

  • As result of #26, error value might be now consumed in some cases. Created #27 to address the issue.

4.1.0 (2018-02-12)

This is breaking release, despite it breaks semantic versioning. Its for Angular v4.x applications to allow migration to new model and Angular v5.x

Changed data used in components to reactive pattern, which allows reuse of created view components.

Breaking Changes

  • ViewData is no longer available for injection, use ActivatedView instead:

    export class SampleComponent implements OnInit {
      public data: MyData;
      constructor(public view: ActivatedView<MyData>) {
      ngOnInit(): void {
        this.view.data.subscribe(data => this.data = data.body);
  • ResourceData directive now needs to be accompanied by [resourceContext] directive:

    <div *resourceData="let data of apiLocation" [resourceContext]="data">
      <resource-view [data]="data"></resource-view>

    Otherwise navigation (resourceLinks) won't work.

    Note that navigation internals might change in future releases.

  • Many internal components were changed or moved. See https://github.com/mdvorak/resource-router/pull/24/commits for whole changelog


  • Added Link interface that describes HAL link.
  • Added ResourceData class that can be used to programmatically load and navigate resource.
  • Added [resourceContext] support directive which can provides navigation context for nested components.
  • Added debugLog that is used when angular does not run in developer mode. This feature will be extended in the future.

Resolved Issues

  • #6 Change ApiLocation and NavigationHandler to reactive pattern
  • #7 resource-data directive should provide loading property
  • #9 Change ViewData to reactive pattern
  • #21 Replace *resource-data directive with simple class
  • #23 Broken travis build

4.0.0 (2017-12-30)

Bumping to 4.x, to match Angular version. Moved from gulp custom build script to ng-packagr.

Breaking Changes

  • Upgraded to use HttpClient instead of deprecated Http
  • Renamed route config key body to responseType
  • responseType now supports only json and text values - blob was buggy in old implementation and its use would be very rare
  • Refactored ApiMapper component - there is now ApiUrl and ApiMapper abstract classes, with default implementations.
  • Typescript 2.3 (newer is not supported by Angular 4.x)

Bug Fixes

  • #17 [resourceLink] should now properly handle external URLs (those that cannot be mapped to an API endpoint)
  • Various fixes with API prefixes and URL handling in general

1.0.0-alpha.12 (2017-04-22)

Now compiled with strictNullChecks: true typescript option, which leads to explicit optional function arguments.

  • Final UMD bundle now contains source maps
  • Example is now built with @angular/cli

Breaking Changes

  • Moved to Angular 4.0.0
  • Moved to Typescript 2.1+
  • Deprecated apiLink directive in favour of new resourceLink (which conforms to Angular naming convention)
  • Renamed ApiUrl class to ApiMapper (relates to #13)


  • Compiled with strictNullChecks
  • resourceLink is new directive, which fixes navigation problems, page reloads, and works both on <a> (with more features) and other tags like <button> (closes #15)

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